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Product | Still Life
Lenz Tequila-Sunrise
For local ski boot manufacturer
White bottles for Amazon and website
Contour product shot
Shot for Aspen Medical Products
Pilates Catalogue shoot
Aspen Medical Products
Revell model kit photo
Color study at ACCD
Old Gauges for Swedish magazine
Self Promo
Venom Skate Wheels
Niko Audio
They asked me for a vertical photo that went with the title"The Power Of Technology" I scrounged their warehouse and found some old circuit boards.
Jason Kay brought this to be shot.
Shot ths glass objects in a simple one light set up.
MacPara Paragliders
Nikon D70 with a 18-55mm lens. Hey it's not the wand it's the magician.
Homage to Hemingway
Light painting fun with an old Hosemaster.
For Aspen Diamond Golf
1 light and a couple of reflectors.
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